STATEMENT: SIS took notice of the cases of bullying some notorious journalists
In connection with multiple intimidations of media outlets, lately, as well as threatening of certain exponents of civil society and holders of the profession of journalist including death threats via SMS messages on mobile phone, - the Security and Intelligence Service of the Republic of Moldova announces about its self-notification in the case of political analyst Bogdan ŢÎRDEA, columnist Vasile NĂSTASE and journalist Constantin CHEIANU, initiating a complex of special investigative measures – which are in conjunction with institutional competences in force – in order to identify anonymous authors in question. As it is known from recent declarations, they were warned to “abandon critical articles concerning corrupt dignitaries and officials from the country's politics and judicial system, the threats being in direct causal link with their job as a journalist".
SIS qualifies these tentatives totally unacceptable and as an attempt to apply “medieval” methods in an European-oriented state, the ultimate goal of psychological and physical intimidations and pressures is to squelch those uncomfortable and make them obedient. In this context, the Service recalls that the right to free expression is enshrined both in Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and in Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms to which our state is a party thereof.
At the same time, the Security and Intelligence Service of the Republic of Moldova shows its concern and vehemently condemns the phenomenon of bullying the citizens of the country, as a whole, and notorious Moldovan journalists, in particular. Consequently, the assumptionexpressed by the aggrieved claiming that „the respective messages confirm the authenticity of disclosed schemes and acts of corruption, unmasked in journalistic materials - abuses, privatizations, the thieves which are now underway, crimes committed by oligarchic mafia bosses”, has the right to existence and truth, being subject to verification by the Service fully and in short terms.
In the context of evolutionary institutional reform, SIS reiterates that, as a state authority specialized in security matters, it will continue to bring its own input to the practical realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Republic of Moldova including political pluralism expressed objectively, honestly and unabashedly by pen servants. Therefore, the Security and Intelligence Service of the Republic of Moldova urges the citizens with civic responsibility to notify - as soon as possible – the empowered national institutions in the event of pertinent information knowledge in order to detect, punish the perpetrators in conformity with the rule of law norms and, most importantly, to eradicate extreme manifestations of some irreversible processes in society for the future.
“19” July 2013
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- Română